Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My sister, my best friend

My sister is my best friend. There are people out there who probably find it rather cliche. I think that our closeness is possible because of our age difference (we're 4 years apart). She's my best friend so there are things that we know about each other that we would never tell anyone. But for the sake of bragging about my awesome sister/best friend/partner in crime/adventure accomplice, some general facts about Mady include; she cries at every sad movie ever, every time she sees it without fail, she LOVES Led Zeppelin to no end, she thoroughly enjoys SNL and movies with Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell as well as Sarah Dessen novels and people watching/judging at any and every possible moment.

Despite our friendship, we're still sisters; we have disagreements and we get on each others nerves. Mady is sometimes absolutely disgusted by my taste in music, and has set out to "educate" me about "real" music. It's a constant struggle. Mady will also tell you that I drive entirely too recklessly, that I am impossible to shop with and keep track of, and that we are now mortal enemies since I am a CU student and her dream is to go to CSU. Alas, these are the battles we face.
Yet, despite everything, we share the same sarcastic, sometimes cynical, extremely hypothetical sense of humor. We both enjoy extensive but pointless trips to Walmart which almost always end in bag-fulls of stuff we didn't intend on buying and don't need and always include jamming out to anything from RUN DMC to Cher. We also share a distinct love of reading and writing and the music we grew up with especially Fleetwood Mac, Elvis and Kenny Chesney.
Moral of the story is while "there's no place like home," there's nothing like having a best friend for life in a sister. We make each other laugh and we pick each other up and reassure each other in ways that only a sister or best friend can, and we know that no matter what we always have each other. I'm not sure what I would do or where I would be without her to keep my head on straight. And I don't say it nearly enough, but I'm thankful to have her in my life to be the best sister anyone could ask for. 

One of our favorite things to do in the summer is go to Film on the Rocks. So naturally, when we saw that The Notebook was on the schedule, we were...um... ecstatic beyond all reason? Yes, exactly. (We're also looking forward to Anchorman, which is easily one of our favorite movies, and we're having a hard time dealing with the fact that it's practically an entire month away. But I digress.) This is a picture of us at Red Rocks listening to the very awesome Dunwells and enjoying our favorite jolly ranchers (blue raspberry and green apple).